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The purpose of the 50/50 Club is to raise funds for the Parish. The money will be paid into the St Joseph’s Parish bank account and used to meet Parish needs.


  1. For a cost of £5 per month (i.e. per draw) you will be allocated one number  

  2. A draw will be made every month. 

  3. The prizes will total 50% of the monthly income. 

  4. The 50/50 Club is open to all parishioners or friends/family of parishioners. Anyone age 16 or over can join. 

  5. Payments must be made by BACS / cheque / cash annually or bi-annually and strictly before being included in any draw taking place.  

  6. Member’s numbers will only be entered if their subscription is up to date. 

  7. The draw shall be made on the first Sunday of each month after the 10.30am mass. 

  8. The winning cheque will be posted to the address on your membership application within one week of the draw or can be collected from the Parish Office. 

  9. The numbers for each month’s winner will be included in the Parish Newsletter. 

  10. Unless otherwise advised, a member will be deemed to have left the 50/50 Club if his/her subscription renewal remains unpaid for a period of one month on the anniversary of renewal. 

  11. If a winner cannot be contacted, the winnings will be placed into Parish funds after six months. 

Next Draw After 10.30 Mass on a Sunday in October TBA

Result of Draw on 11th August

1st prize     £110.00----No 31

2nd Prize    £50.00-----No 94

3rd Prize     £25.00-----No. 43

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